Life Bank Account


Uncertainty is an unyielding truth of life, yet the power of decision allows us a degree of autonomy within our own bodies. 

To ensure physical and mental well-being, we must make conscious decisions and cultivate positive habits while eradicating negative ones.

An individual is capable of performing myriad tasks on autopilot, such as driving, sports, singing, dancing, and daily routine tasks.

 We may recall our childhood days when we stumbled through prayers in school, repeating after others without fully comprehending their meaning. Surprisingly, our minds do not need to focus on the words to say them, as our bodies are trained to do it automatically.

Language, too, is a bodily function, and understanding it is a cognitive process. That is why children are taught to recite poems as a means of practicing language. 

As an observer, take note of how many of your daily responses are automatic and how many are thought-out and deliberate.

The body learns quickly and responds skillfully, but it can also forgets . It is up to us to choose what we reinforce through repetition, positive habits or negative ones. 

The body forms habits quickly, but eradicating them takes time and requires patience.

 Pay attention to it regularly,

and try to recognize whether it is happy or not. Your relationship with it can be either positive or negative.

Proper nutrition, rest, work, exercise, and habits that align with physical and mental well-being are essential for improving bodily intelligence. You can also give it commands through self-dialogue. If you consistently give it the same order for 21 days to 3 months, it will internalize it, so be sure to choose your words carefully from the start. Self-affirmation is essential.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

वर्तमान में जागरूक रहे

The third rule of life is the "Law of Life's Bank Account"

जीवन सूर्य 5