Intelligence within

 Life is not only governed by rules, but also by certain powers that we are born within this world. These powers manifest when they are aligned with the rules, resulting in a blissful life. Alongside life's challenges, moments of joy also participate in our journey.

There are many rules in life, but for now, let us focus on these three rules as they are essential for our journey ahead. First, let us understand the powers that are hidden within us since birth and how they manifest in our physical form.

From birth, we naturally inherit the intelligence of our body from nature, which constructs and sustains our entire physical being without our interference. It maintains the body's health, controls its functions, and supports the creation and nurturing of a child within. This natural intelligence also includes our memory, which is separate from the mind's memory. For example, when you enjoy a cup of tea, that experience is recorded within your body. If there is a specific time for tea, your body will naturally crave it at that time. The body expresses its needs and desires effortlessly. Modern medicine has also proven that the body has its own healing mechanisms, and medicine merely assists in the process. The body has its own immune system, which tirelessly works to keep us alive, even without our conscious effort.

Another rule of life that applies to the body is the uncertainty of its existence. We do not know how long our body will stay in existence or when it might suddenly cease to function or fall ill. There is no certain prediction about its future. It is merely a tool that gives us the experience of life and ceases to exist when it is no longer of any use. Understanding this rule of uncertainty, let us be grateful for every breath we take and every moment we experience life.

The third rule also operates within the body effortlessly. It states that if you want something in life, start giving it. If we want to maintain good health, we must adopt a healthy lifestyle and provide nourishment to our bodies. If we want life to be kind to us, we must first keep our bodies alive. Our actions towards the body determine the results. Even if we are great individuals, our treatment of our bodies will ultimately reflect upon us. There can be no excuses in this regard. No matter how much we deny it, our bodies will reflect our actions. So, let us acknowledge and nourish our bodies so that they can keep us healthy and happy throughout life, without creating space for any problems.

The third rule is integrated with our every emotion and thought. It preserves our emotions and thoughts in our memory. The emotions and thoughts we cultivate throughout the day are recorded within us. Anger generates heat and restlessness, while sorrow and hopelessness render us inactive and devoid of energy. Jealousy disrupts our peace, and greed focuses our energy on accumulation. Love and happiness make us joyful and content, while tranquility brings us peace. Every feeling brings forth unique frequencies of energy that are stored within our bodies. If you do not believe this, observe how meeting a loved one evokes a certain sensation within you, and how looking at an adversary or someone you dislike stirs up different waves. Begin to become aware of the reactions within your body for every emotion you experience, whether positive or negative. We often neglect paying attention to our bodies as our thoughts consume most of our time. In this regard, meditation is a helpful tool. Integrate it into your life, and it will keep your body healthy and blissful. Even if you face challenges in life, they will not manifest within your body.

In the next newsletter, we will explore emotional intelligence and how it relates to these three primary rules of life. There are still many rules and mysteries that will reveal themselves layer by layer in this extraordinary journey. Stay connected with me on this journey and share your thoughts, as they will aid me in understanding different aspects and help you in making your life peaceful, effortless, and joyful. For now, let's leave it here. We will know more in this journey.

Thank you for reading.

Your friend,

Cartomancer Minakshi


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

वर्तमान में जागरूक रहे

The third rule of life is the "Law of Life's Bank Account"

जीवन सूर्य 5